Monday, November 1, 2010


Yesterday was Halloween! :) Emma, Stella, Katie, and Abby went with me. We decided not to go as boys. Emma was a punk angel, Stella was a guy pirate (I was the girl pirate), Abby was a Greek person, and Katie was a pop star.  xD.<-- chin mole… Anyway, we went to Beaver Brook estates, Katherine’s old neighborhood :(


Rabbit rabbit again!
Friday (the 29th) was our school’s Halloween dance! :) I dressed up as a pirate. Christine was Indiana Jones. Emily was a half angel half devil, Stella was nothing, Emma was Michael Jackson-ish, and Katie was a pop star. Lol and Patrick had a Perry the Platypus costume! x) Well it was basically like a teen center, except without the Stonybrook kids and with the eighth graders. There were also those cool lights that make everything white glow purple! xD